Tomos 4 operating manual

Tomos 4 Manual (pdf)


  1. Thanks a lot for this manual, just bought a second hand Tomos 4 without the accompanying manual. So, to find it online was great!

  2. Glad to be of assistance.
    Tomos 4 is legendary engine, it serves our fishing community for decades. Low cost, low fuel demand, availability of parts.

  3. I've also just inherited a Tomos 4. Very grateful therefore for copy of Manual. Thank you. Given that she is in quite good condition I'll ensure the 'Legend' is fully restored. Thanks again John.

  4. Thank you very much for a manual. Today i become a new owner of TOMOS 4 engine, i start it and a sound was good. Compression is high. But in future i thing i will need some spare parts. Do you know a good online shop where i can find something on this motor? Thank you again!

    1. You will probably have to look for parts in Slovenia and Croatia.
      But go no further than this:
      You might have to negotiate an international delivery, but should not be a problem.

  5. The manual that everyone is downloading, the Tomos4 manual, was scanned and uploaded by me, in honour of my father in law, Edward Egan (his name is on the corner if the book). The Hungarian site has appropriated the download without acknowlegement. The original download is available from here: I find it a great shame that even when free, some people still want to steal stuff.

  6. Hi! Look here: ))))

  7. Can i connect a rectifier and regulator to the yellow and black wires to charge a battery?? Thanks
